Jump Attack
Axe Strike Lv 1
Required Level: Lv 0SP: 0
Requires: N/A
Input: After Jump, ↓ Z
Info: An attack that allows the user to drop his axe clashing to the ground.
Axe Strike Lv 2
Required Level: Lv 14SP: 1
Requires: N/A
Input: After Jump, Z ↓ Z
Info: A powerful attack that combines the standard jump and Axe Strike Level 1. A useful attack that can not only be chained, but to throw the enemy off guard.
Axe Strike Lv 3
Required Level: Lv 34SP: 1
Requires: Axe Strike Lv 2
Input: After Jump, ↓ Z Z
Info: An attack that does the basical Axe Strike, but swings the axe upward upon impact to the ground.
Note: This cannot be used in conjunction with level 2. Also, the second attack must be done before the Axe makes impact.
Jump Attack
Jump Attack Lv 1
Required Level: Lv 0SP: 0
Requires: N/A
Input: After Jump, Z
Info: An attack that swings the axe forward, leaving it into that position until its user hits the ground.
Jump Attack Lv 2
Required Level: Lv 32SP: 2
Requires: N/A
Input: After Jump, Z Dash
Info: Simply put. An air dash command can be executed using the standard jump attack. Its useful for surprises or escapes.
Note: All dash commands can be used together.
Cancel Dash
Required Level: Lv 0SP: 0
Requires: N/A
Input: During Dash Attack, → → or ← ←
Info: During a Dash Attack, the execution of a "backstep" is enabled, surprising the opponent.
Extra Info: It is actually possible to use a "Reverse Critical Attack" if the Attack and Dash commands are used simultaneously.
Note: Although this doesn't appear on the chart, it is an actual movement.
Short Dash
Required Level: Lv 5SP: 1
Requires: N/A
Input: After Jump, → → or ← ←
Info: A command that can allow the Druid to use Air Dashes.
Panther's Swiftness
Required Level: Lv 18SP: 2
Requires: Short Dash
Input: ↓ Z
Info: A buff that makes the Druid run like a cheetah. During this time, his mobility is increased, but he can run as fast as Amy, Thief (Dash Enabled), Flaming Jin, and Dark Sieghart. It lasts for 10 seconds, with a cooldown of 15.
Dash Attack
Dash Attack Lv 1
Required Level: Lv 0SP: 0
Requires: N/A
Input: Dash Z Z
Info: A simple dash that combines two roll attacks.
Dash Attack Lv 2
Required Level: Lv 17SP: 2
Requires: N/A
Input: Dash Z Z
Info: A dash where the second hit knocks back the opponent. Useful to separate distance.
Dash Attack Lv 3
Required Level: Lv 38SP: 3
Requires: Dash Attack Lv 2
Input: Dash Z ↑
Info: A dash attack that can be used to leap up and slam enemies for strong damage.
Extra Info: There are two inputs to the skill. It combines level 1 and a slam for damage.
Note: The stun time for the slam in PvP is short, meaning it may not be effective. Also, it tends to miss if used in Dungeons.
Cleave Lv 1
Required Level: Lv 0SP: 0
Requires: N/A
Input: During Combo or Dash Attack, → →
Info: A simple attack that utilizes a sideways swinging motion.
Cleave Lv 2
Required Level: Lv 9SP: 2
Requires: N/A
Input: During Combo or Dash Attack, → →
Info: A powerful attack that swings upward and then slams back down to the ground. A useful attack that catches enemies off guard.
Note: This move does not affiliate with Doubles.
Nature's Shield (Thorn Barrier)
Required Level: Lv 23SP: 1
Requires: N/A
Input: X X
Info: A defensive skill that surrounds the user with a thorny-like substance. The user will be immune during the phase. It lasts 4 seconds with a 60 second (1 minute) cooldown.
Note: Despite it being a "Thorn Barrier", it does not repel enemies; it acts as if the user is part of the background. Also, if the user is attacked, he may be "pushed", but take no damage. You also cannot use it in conjunction with the Totems, whereas the Shield blocks out the effect.
Glitch: If you get grabbed at the same time you cast this, you will be completely immune to damage. However, there are sudden phases you may "phase" out of grabs or counterattacks. The immunity wears off if the Shield is reused, or a Vertical Air Launcher (ie Spearman's Leap Attack, Iron Guard's Upper Strike, "Jump" Attacks, etc).
Note: If the totem is struck by the enemy, it will be destroyed.
Everyone has to be near the totem or it will not supply its nourishment.
The Wolf Transformation is able to summon Totems.
You cannot use it in conjunction with Nature's Shield. Doing so, the shield will block off the effects of the Totems.
Defense (Protection) Totem
Required Level: Lv 12SP: 1
Requires: N/A
Input: ↑ Z
Info: A green totem is dropped, whereas it provides a small defense buff for the entire party if nearby. It stays around for 20 seconds, and a cooldown of 20.
Revitalizing (Health) Totem
Required Level: Lv 26SP: 1
Requires: Defense Totem
Input: ↑ Z
Info: An orange totem is dropped, providing an HP Regen buff for nearby allies. It stays for 10 seconds with a cooldown of 30.
Energizing (Mana) Totem
Required Level: Lv 42SP: 2
Requires: Revitalizing Totem
Input: ↑ Z
Info: A blue totem is dropped, providing an MP Regen buff for nearby allies. It stays for 10 seconds with a cooldown of 30.
Stone Wall
Required Level: Lv 15SP: 1
Requires: N/A
Input: → Z
Info: A larger totem is summoned, which is used to protect from hard impacts. It takes more damage than the Magician's Magic Puppet. However, it lasts for 5 seconds with a cooldown of 6.
Note: Strangely, the Thief's Wild Throw completely ignores the Wall, shooting right through it.
Combo Application
Note: You cannot use both applications simultaneously. One or none must be chosen.
Air Combo
Required Level: Lv 7SP: 1
Requires: N/A
Input: During Combo, ↑ Z Z
Info: A powerful combination that uses a high sweep along with a double roll attack. A deadly move indeed.
Low Combo
Required Level: Lv 14SP: 1
Requires: N/A
Input: During Combo, ↓ Z
Info: A combo that uses a backward sweep then slams it down, which launches the target into the skies.
Note: Although it does sweep behind, the radius is extremely minor.
Combo Attack
Combo Attack Lv 1
Required Level: Lv 0SP: 0
Requires: N/A
Input: Z Z Z Z
Info: A 4 hit combo that uses quick attacks.
Combo Attack Lv 2
Required Level: Lv 13SP: 2
Requires: N/A
Input: Z Z Z
Info: A 6 hit KO combo that uses 3 powerful, slow strikes. It trades in speed for power.
Note: Despite that the Druid class has the lowest attack power, it is a dangerous tool. Also, unlike most other combos, this one usually KOs the opponent.
1st Bar
Twin Blade Lv 1 (Magic Break)
Required Level: 0 SP: 0
Requires: N/A
Input: Press Z to charge one MP slot and release.
Info: A powerful attack that utilizes a launcher followed by a sweep.
Twin Blade Lv 2
Required Level: 10 SP: 2
Requires: N/A
Input: Press Z to charge one MP slot and release.
Info: A 2 hit swing attack which is followed by a slam to the ground, which lifts the targets.
Twin Blade Lv 3
Required Level: 25 SP: 3
Requires: Twin Blade Lv 2
Input: Press Z to charge one MP slot and release.
Info: In addition to level 2, there is an (extremely minor) swing added right before the slam.
Boulder Crash (Crash Axe)
Required Level: 6 SP: 1
Requires: Skill Key from Cash Shop for 3000 Cash
Input: Press Z to charge one MP slot and release.
Info: An attack that swings down the axe into a rock, and then rising it up to break it. Its effective than combos, as it launches the opponent to the air.
Leeching Slime (Poison Spore)
Required Level: 19 SP: 1
Requires: Crash Axe
Input: Press Z to charge one MP slot and release.
Info: Throws three, gooey, slimey orbs infront of the user. If the enemy touches it, the amount of HP taken is given to the user at the approximate rate. It also has a good stun length, which can lead to a deadly combo.
Extra Info: Because this actually heals, if you die and someone touches the spore at the last second, you will be "revived". However, it still puts up a death count.
Freezing Attack
Required Level: 31 SP: 1
Requires: Skill Key in Cash Shop for 3000 Cash
Input: Press Z to charge one MP slot and release.
Info: A wind of frost is blown followed by a sweep. Its often used to prevent counterattacks.
Note: The first hit only freezes. The second will knock them out of it, canceling the frost.
2nd Bar
Titan Axe Lv 1 (Shockwave)
Required Level: 0 SP: 0
Requires: N/A
Input: Press Z to charge two MP slots and release.
Info: A powerful 4 hit combo which the last one is used to knock enemies into the skies. Its a useful attack to catch off guard opponents.
Titan Axe Lv 2
Required Level: 15 SP: 2
Requires: N/A
Input: Press Z to charge two MP slots and release.
Info: A skilled attack that utilizes a forward roll, and then throw the axe into the air, followed by a catch and a heavy slam which lifts enemies to the heavens above.
Extra Info: The throw part gives the enemy a "Dizzy"-like animation, so long as it hits.
Titan Axe Lv 3
Required Level: 30 SP: 3
Requires: Titan Axe Lv 2
Input: Press Z to charge two MP slots and release.
Info: A short 3 hit slam attack which the first two launch enemies into the air shortly, and followed by a soaring slam.
Extra Info: Since the enemy is launched into the air, it simply prevents counters.
Required Level: 0SP: 0
Requires: Bought in GP Shop for 10,000 GP
Input: Press Z to charge two MP slots and release.
Info: This ability allows the user to transform into the dreadful wolf.
Moonlight Wolf
Required Level: 0SP: 0
Requires: Bought in Cash Shop for 500 Cash
Input: Press Z to charge two MP slots and release.
Info: An ability that allows the user to change into a white wolf which glitters under the moonlight.
Shadow Wolf
Required Level: 0SP: 0
Requires: Bought in Cash Shop for 500 Cash
Input: Press Z to charge two MP slots and release.
Info: An ability that changes one into a dark wolf, which resides under the shadows.
Canyon Carver (Breaker)
Required Level: 8 SP: 1
Requires: Skill Key in Cash Shop for 3000 Cash
Input: Press Z to charge two MP slots and release.
Info: A powerful attack that uses a large slab of rock to break open enemies into two. Basically its considered the "Level 2" version of Boulder Crash.
Big Axe Destruction (Glorious Stampede)
Required Level: 22 SP: 1
Requires: Canyon Carver
Input: Press Z to charge two MP slots and release.
Info: An ability that slams the axe down into a rising movement, then drops the axe down upon the foe. A deadly move indeed.
Thunder Pull (Thunder Thrust)
Required Level: 33 SP: 1
Requires: Skill Key in Cash Shop for 3000 Cash
Input: Press Z to charge two MP slots and release.
Info: An ability that throws and pull a usage of Thunder-like attacks.
3rd Bar
Ressurection Lv 1 (Druid's Heart)
Required Level: 0 SP: 0
Requires: N/A
Input: Press Z to charge all 3 MP slots and release.
Info: An ability that enhances the all allies with a revival ability. It heals 20% of HP, and lasts for 30 seconds or one death.
Ressurection Lv 2
Required Level: 20 SP: 2
Requires: N/A
Input: Press Z to charge all 3 MP slots and release.
Info: An enhanced ressurection that heals 40% of HP, and lasts for 60 seconds.
Trivia: When this is used, Viken's Crow Wings are seen.
Hammering Crusher
Required Level: 35 SP: 1
Requires: Ressurection Lv 2
Input: Press Z to charge all 3 MP slots and release.
Info: A powerful attack that slams the hammer onto the ground, creating a large eruption from the earth.
Nature Commander
Required Level: 24 SP: 1
Requires: Skill Key in Cash Shop for 3000 Cash
Input: Press Z to charge all 3 MP slots and release.
Info: An ability that summons 3 Moonlight Wolfs in a circle patter, which then slash furiously on the area and howl into an explosion for a finale. In addition, a 10 second Attack buff is initiated for the entire party within the howl's range.
Phoenix Assault
Required Level: 35 SP: 1
Requires: Nature Commander
Input: Press Z to charge all 3 MP slots and release.
Info: An ability that turns one into a Sidtri, that swoops in and lands with a powerful impact.
Fright Punisher
Required Level: 10 SP: 1
Requires: Skill Key in Cash Shop for 3000 Cash
Input: Press Z to charge all 3 MP slots and release.
Info: An ability that sweeps up and lands creating a shockwave of slabbed rocks.
Note: This ability does not knockdown opponents. It is meant to separate distance from the enemy.
Bloody Funeral
Required Level: 41 SP: 1
Requires: Fright Punisher
Input: Press Z to charge all 3 MP slots and release.
Info: A powerful ability that summons two totems, which opens a vortex and inhales the HP of others and feeds it back to the user.
Extra Info: The user does not need to be around the totem to gain the HP. The HP that was initially taken is already fed to the owner.
Note: In PvP, the inhaling doesn't stun, so its best to use this on distracted enemies.
Lunar Attenuation
Required Level: 11 SP: 1
Requires: N/A
Input: Passive
Info: An ability that changes the time limit of all Wolf Transformations of other classes from 30 secs to 45 secs.
Note: The revival effect have their own time limits. If you die, it will wear off whether it works or not. Also, you cannot prevent the cooldown by any means.
Tenacious Vitality Lv 1
Required Level: 30 SP: 2
Requires: N/A
Input: ↑ A
Info: An ability that ressurects the user at a 20% rate upon defeat. If successful, the user regains 20% HP. It lasts for 60 seconds (1 minute), along with a 300 second (5 minute) cooldown.
Tenacious Vitality Lv 2
Required Level: 40 SP: 3
Requires: Tenacious Vitality Lv 1
Input: ↑ A
Info: An powerful ability that ressurects the user with a 50% rate upon defeat. If successful, the user regains 30% HP. It lasts for 90 seconds (1.5 minute) and a 240 second (4 minute) cooldown.
Charging Stance
Charged Blow
Required Level: 20 SP: 1
Requires: N/A
Input: A (Hold & Release)
Info: An ability that uses a powerful swing from the might of the hammer. It utilizes a charging function, where a meter appears next to the user and the higher it gets, the more powerful the swing becomes along with a distance increase.
Extra Info: This move is often called an "MP Eater" because of the enormous MP given.
Note: There has often been games called "Ryan Tennis" or "Ryan Baseball" which utilizes this function. Two Druids use this function against each other while a 3rd player becomes the "Ball".
Wild Roar
Required Level: 26 SP: 3
Requires: N/A
Input: ↓ A
Info: An ability that makes the user roar like a lion. It creates a small soundwave infront of the user, while giving off a 5 second Confusion effect. A cooldown of 20 seconds is enabled.
Note: The ability used will consume from the job that originally possessed the transformation (ie Wolf = Druid, Nephilim = Sentinel, and Magnus Dan = Vanquisher).
1st Bar
Rolling Attack
Required Level: 8SP: 1
Requires: N/A
Input: Press Z to charge one MP slot and release.
Info: A simple ability that uses a forward roll in conjunction with a powerful claw slash.
2nd Bar
Required Level: 16SP: 1
Requires: N/A
Input: Press Z to charge two MP slots and release.
Info: A deadly ability that utilizes multiple forward claw slashes with a finish of an explosional shockwave.
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