Combo Attack
Combo Attack Lv 1
Required Level: Lv 0SP: 0
Requires: N/A
Input: Z Z Z
Info: A 3 hit combo that uses a mix of sweeps and kicks.
Note: It says 5 hit inputs, but its a miscoding. Its actually three.
Combo Attack Lv 2
Required Level: Lv 13SP: 2
Requires: N/A
Input: Z Z Z Z Z
Info: A powerful combo that uses a mix of slashes and sweeps. A very effective combo indeed.
Combo Attack Lv 3
Required Level: Lv 37SP: 2
Requires: Combo Attack Lv 2
Input: Z Z Z Z Z
Info: A combo that is slightly (1.5x faster) more speedy than level 2, but trades in for lesser damage.
Utilizing Combo
Air Combo Lv 1
Required Level: Lv 14SP: 1
Requires: N/A
Input: During Combo, ↑
Info: An upper sweep that is occasionally used to throw opponents off guard during a combo.
Air Combo Lv 2
Required Level: Lv 34SP: 1
Requires: Air Combo Lv 1
Input: During Combo, ↑
Info: An upper sweep that not only launches the enemy, but hacks it away with powerful slashes, and then ends off with a kick.
Utilizing Combo
Evasion Combo Lv 1
Required Level: Lv 5SP: 1
Requires: N/A
Input: During Combo, ↓
Info: A skill that allows one to appear directly behind the enemy. This can be useful to continue a combo.
Evasion Combo Lv 2
Required Level: Lv 5SP: 1
Requires: Evasion Combo Lv 1
Input: During Combo, ↓ ↓
Info: A skill that allows one to appear directly behind the enemy, then vanishes behind once more to ensure further distance.
Jump Attack
Kunai Drop Lv 1
Required Level: Lv 0SP: 0
Requires: N/A
Input: After a Double Jump, ↓ Z
Info: A basic skill that drops a pair of kunai in the air. Its a useful surprise attack and/or to trap the enemy. Remember that blocked Kunais do not reduce damage.
Kunai Drop Lv 2
Required Level: Lv 21SP: 2
Requires: N/A
Input: After a Double Jump, ↓ Z Z
Info: Two pairs of kunai are dropped in the air, equaling 4 kunais. A useful skill indeed.
Note: Although it says "↓ Z ↓ Z" for the input, that is actually a harder way. The easier way is to hold down the button.
Jump Attack
Quick Drop
Required Level: Lv 23SP: 1
Requires: N/A
Input: After a Double Jump, ↓ ↓
Info: A useful skill that descends quickly from the air. It usually supports adding an initial combo, especially aiding Kunai Drops.
Dash Attack
Dash Attack Lv 1
Required Level: Lv 0SP: 0
Requires: N/A
Input: → → Z Z Z Z
Info: A dash attack that utilizes multiple slash attacks. However, the attack is not very efficient and time consuming.
Dash Attack Lv 2
Required Level: Lv 17SP: 2
Requires: N/A
Input: → → Z
Info: An excellent skill that uses two dash attacks that push down the enemy.
Dash Attack Lv 3
Required Level: Lv 36SP: 3
Requires: Dash Attack Lv 2
Input: → → Z, ↑ Z
Info: A special skill that uses two dash attacks, followed up optional kunais thrown.
Extra Info: Unlike the two attacks from Level 2, these do not knockdown. In addition, the Kunais can actually knockdown if not blocked.
Critical Lv 1
Required Level: Lv 0SP: 0
Requires: N/A
Input: During Combo, → →
Info: A short, quick slash that is often used to keep the enemy off guard.
Note: It says this skill costs 1 SP. This is a miscoding, as this is a basic skill.
Critical Lv 2
Required Level: Lv 26SP: 2
Requires: N/A
Input: During Combo, → →
Info: A much slower attack that uses a high and low sweep.
Note: This attack also affects Double, unlike most other trees.
Note: All traps lasts for approximately 6 seconds, but has a cooldown of 4 seconds before another one can be placed (though not shown).
If the trap is struck by the enemy's blade, it will go off, nullifying the effect.
Because of the trap's color, they can be hidden in the terrain.
Cannon Trap
Required Level: Lv 28SP: 2
Requires: N/A
Input: ↓Z
Info: Places a yellow, spring-like trap that pushes the enemy upward. It is often used to keep the enemy off guard.
Spike Trap
Required Level: Lv 41SP: 2
Requires: Cannon Trap
Input: ↓Z
Info: A trap that places "grass" on the ground. If the enemy steps on it, spikes will come out, striking the toe and stunning for a quick second (along with an animation).
Trivia: This type of trap is often used by hunters or safekeepers, who use it to kill their "prey" or keep out intruders.
Special Skill
Paralyzing Kunai
Required Level: Lv 30SP: 1
Requires: N/A
Input: ↑ Z
Info: A buff that changes all kunais (except Skills such as Thunder Slash, Raven Walker, and Exploding Scroll) into paralysis for one second. It lasts for 7 seconds with a cooldown of 20.
Note: This skill seems to be errored. There are strange times that the skill does not take effect, as if the monster received it like a normal attack. This usually occurs when the monster has not engaged combat, right before it has begun to attack.
Special Skill
Rapid Slash
Required Level: Lv 0SP: 0
Requires: N/A
Input: Z (Spam)
Info: An attack that uses multiple slashes infront. However, the range is small and the damage is minor.
Wild Throw
Required Level: Lv 15SP: 1
Requires: N/A
Input: Z (Spam)
Info: An attack that wildly throws three pairs of kunai in one direction in a fan formation. Its often used to repel or trap foes.
Extra Info: If one holds the directional key while constantly using this attack, Wild Throw will continue executing.
Double Throw
Required Level: Lv 30SP: 1
Requires: Double Throw
Input: ← ← → or → → ← Z
Info: A standard attack that throws 2 kunais diagonally with a wider vertical radius. It seems less effective than Wild Throw.
Note: This cannot be used in conjunction with Wild Throw. It is combined with Rapid Slash instead.
1st Bar
Impact Slash Lv 1 (Thunder Slash)
Required Level: 0 SP: 0
Requires: N/A
Input: Press Z to charge one MP slot and release.
Info: A powerful attack that throws a mighty shockwave infront.
Impact Slash Lv 2
Required Level: 10 SP: 2
Requires: N/A
Input: Press Z to charge one MP slot and release.
Info: Not one, but two shockwaves are fired, doubling the damage of the skill.
Note: Be careful when using this. There are times you may get intercepting during the skill.
Impact Slash Lv 3
Required Level: 25 SP: 3
Requires: Impact Slash Lv 2
Input: Press Z to charge one MP slot and release.
Info: A deadly skill that combines multiple hits in conjunction with the wave.
Double Slash
Required Level: 11 SP: 0
Requires: Bought in Cash Shop for 500 Cash
Input: Press Z to charge one MP slot and release.
Info: A skill that combines two slashes and a wave of energy.
Spinning Slash Lv 1 (Spring Slash)
Required Level: 6 SP: 1
Requires: Skill Key from Cash Shop for 3000 Cash
Input: Press Z to charge one MP slot and release.
Info: A skill that uses a spin formation followed by a quick dash. The spin and dash can be controlled VIA direction keys.
Spinning Slash Lv 2
Required Level: 19 SP: 2
Requires: Spinning Slash Lv 1
Input: Press Z to charge one MP slot and release.
Info: A skill that uses a spin formation followed by not one, but three quick dashes.
Extra Info: The spin can be controlled, but the direction of the dash will follow on the player's facing.
Aust Hammer
Required Level: 31 SP: 1
Requires: Skill Key in Cash Shop for 3000 Cash
Input: Press Z to charge one MP slot and release.
Info: A powerful skill that uses an uppercut to launch an opponent.
Note: Technically its not a "hammer", its an uppercut swing.
Required Level: 38 SP: 1
Requires: Aust Hammer
Input: Press Z to charge one MP slot and release.
Info: A skill that creates a "Shadow" over the user. This "Shadow", when struck, will teleport upward and behind where the user was attacked, similar to the Striker's Substitution. The shadow lasts only one hit or 15 seconds.
Note: This effect does not affect grabs, but will cancel the skill. Players will also want to plan this skill carefully, as you may get hit by another attack prepared.
2nd Bar
Fatal Fury
Required Level: 0 SP: 0
Requires: N/A
Input: Press Z to charge two MP slots and release.
Info: An attack that may strike a 50% Fatal wounding, or 50% into nothingness.
Weaponry Disarm
Required Level: 15 SP: 1
Requires: N/A
Input: Press Z to charge two MP slots and release.
Info: An attack that uses a forward uppercut followed by a quick slash. If the second hit makes, the "weapon" of the opponent will be out of his/her hand(s), and will be unable to attack for 7 seconds. Also, a mark is left on them, indicating that they have been disarmed.
Hornet's Sting
Required Level: 30 SP: 1
Requires: Weaponry Disarm
Input: Press Z to charge two MP slots and release.
Info: An attack that throws a shuriken towards an enemy, while pushing them away and leaving a DoT effect.
Note: If you use this too close to a platform with your back against it, you will fall off the platform and the entire skill will fall beneath the platform.
Blood Bash
Required Level: 11 SP: 0
Requires: Bought in Cash Shop for 600 Cash
Input: Press Z to charge two MP slots and release.
Info: A 100% fatal attack that completely nullifies HP Regen for 30 seconds.
Scorched Earth
Required Level: 22 SP: 1
Requires: Skill Key in Cash Shop for 3000 Cash
Input: Press Z to charge two MP slots and release.
Info: A jar with explosive gunpower is placed. If anyone hits the jar, it will explode into a oblivion AoE. The jar stays around for 30 seconds.
Extra Info: If you use the attack command after the summoning, the jar will set off immediately while its user slides backward. Also, if you put it ontop an enemy/obstacle (large ones preferred), it will implode.
Bind Scroll
Required Level: 40 SP: 2
Requires: Scorched Earth
Input: Press Z to charge two MP slots and release.
Info: A scroll with a blue seal is placed. If anyone steps on it, an AoE effect will occur, binding anyone nearby it. The scroll stays for 10 seconds. This spell is meant to be used strategicly.
Note: There is a glitch that if you actually try to use the attack command like for Scorched Earth, you will be binded yourself for a few seconds. However, the scroll will not go off.
Shadow Stranger Lv 1
Required Level: 8 SP: 1
Requires: Skill Key in Cash Shop for 3000 Cash
Input: Press Z to charge two MP slots and release.
Info: A powerful attack that uses multiple, speedy zig-zag dashes forward. A useful skill to repel enemies (especially pushing them off gorges).
Shadow Stranger Lv 2
Required Level: 33 SP: 2
Requires: Shadow Stranger Lv 1
Input: Press Z to charge two MP slots and release.
Info: A zig-zag dash is executed upwards, and finishes off with a powerful slam to the ground.
3rd Bar
Final Strike
Required Level: 0 SP: 0
Requires: N/A
Input: Press Z to charge all 3 MP slots and release.
Info: A deadly skill that throws multiple slash-like shockwaves to the ground causing explosions. However, this skill requires strategic aiming.
Thunder Slash (Shock Slash)
Required Level: 20 SP: 1
Requires: N/A
Input: Press Z to charge all 3 MP slots and release.
Info: A powerful skill that throws a kunai in a straight line, and then pulls thunder waves back to its user. However, it lacks a lot of damage than Final Strike; its designed to pull enemies toward the user.
Raven Walker
Required Level: 35 SP: 1
Requires: Thunder Slash
Input: Press Z to charge all 3 MP slots and release.
Info: A chatoic skill that throws multiple kunai in a fan-like motion, and then sets them off with an explosion.
Note: Because the explosion can be easily avoided by skills and/or movement, strategic use is required. However, the Kunais may be just enough to put someone into Fatal.
Guardian Strike
Required Level: 11 SP: 0
Requires: Bought in Cash Shop for 700 Cash
Input: Press Z to charge all 3 MP slots and release.
Info: A dangerous skill that throws a skull bomb with a wave of orbs circling around the skull. The skull itself leaves a DoT effect while the orbs deal one (deadly) strikes. It stays for about 5 seconds.
Exploding Scroll
Required Level: 10 SP: 1
Requires: Skill Key from Cash Shop for 3000 Cash
Input: Press Z to charge all 3 MP slots and release.
Info: A powerful skill that throws a scroll, which is fanned by multiple kunais which sets the skill off.
Venom Slice
Required Level: 10 SP: 1
Requires: Exploding Scroll
Input: Press Z to charge all 3 MP slots and release.
Info: A straw dummy is summoned leaving a purplish AoE effect. If anyone gets hit by the AoE, a mark is left on them. The dummy and the person who was marked will then be sliced to oblivion.
Note: Although it may seem the Thief is slashing the dummy to pieces, however, anyone unmarked near the dummy will not be affected by the skill. However, anyone near the marked character will be sliced.
Shadows of the Past Lv 1 (Dark Memories) (Kaze'aze Summoning)
Required Level: 35 SP: 1
Requires: Skill Key from Cash Shop for 3000 Cash
Input: Press Z to charge all 3 MP slots and release.
Info: A powerful attack that Lass groans in pain, and an image of Kaze'aze is projected, who furiously slams the ground, and then vanishes back into dust.
Note: This skill is actually meant for PvP purposes. Also, strangely, its actually weaker than Raven Walker despite it being a Cash Skill and Kaze'aze who is "superior".
Shadows of the Past Lv 2
Required Level: 42 SP: 1
Requires: Shadows of the Past Lv 1
Input: Press Z to charge all 3 MP slots and release.
Info: An image of Kaze'aze is projected, who then blows off one of her deadly fireballs and then leaves.
Note: Counterpart to Level 1, its designed to be used in dungeons. However, it is still strangely weaker than Raven Walker.
Shadow Vanish
Required Level: 11 SP: 3
Requires: N/A
Input: X ↓
Info: An ability that masks one in the terrain, leaving only the shadow (grounded area). This ability is extremely useful, as it allows for sneak attacks and stealthy movement. It lasts for 20 seconds, if the user attacks and/or gets attacked. A cooldown of 15 is applied.
Required Level: 30 SP: 2
Requires: N/A
Input: X ↑
Info: An ability that increases movement speed for 10 seconds, with an applied cooldown of 10. Its useful for escapes or charging.
Note: Despite the name, it DOES NOT affect Dashes; only runs and walks. Because the Thief is the only class that can run, this move is considered "Thief-Only".
Super Jump
Required Level: 20 SP: 2
Requires: N/A
Input: X ← or →
Info: An ability that lets you jump high and gain some air time. Useful for escapes. It has a cooldown of 10 seconds.
Note: The direction of the flight is actually the direction where the user is standing, not by the input.
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